Key: B major
Time: 4/4
Tempo: 72 bpm
Genre: Pop Ballad
Running Time: 4:43

Musician Note:
This tune was the original demo tape song I sent to my (then potential) producer Dave Ward.  Had just written it the week before and felt right to send this one instead of other songs I had previously written (at the time they were ALL ballads).  So this became my first real recording in studio.  Was recorded in a one-room studio in Toronto [later re-mixed at Number 9 studios after the rest of album was completed for balance].  Kept piano lead and later added solo guitar from Sean that made my music really come alive – and at that point we knew that there would be more great tunes to come!

Jason Dodge – lead and background vocals, piano
Iain Green – drums, percussion adds
Mike Gresko – bass
Sean Kellerman – guitar
David Ward – background vocals